Demo was about Stuffed chicken legs (with chicken forcemeat) - how original, those stupid French.... , a goat cheese salad with bacon (boring) and chocolate and orange mousse.
AND a Korean filmcrew....
One of them was constantly on the phone, one walked around with a camera (in zee face ! ) and a few other were fully dressed up in LCB uniforms in the audience.
We were waiting for chef to kick them out of his kitchen. But unfortunately, no...
The guy also wanted to interview me, but no thank you. Instead he asked several others before he attacked Barbara with all his questions ! And yes, with ze camera in ze face - real,real close ! The chicken dish was not that inspiring. We had to cut open a chicken leg and remove all the bones except the top bit. That was just there for presentation. After preparing the leg, we had to stuff the thing with a mixture of pork meat and chicken meat.... and finally wrap it in caul fat ! (In Dutch: darmvlies...) Does this stinky stuff come from the belly of a pig or... well,never again.
Yong Soon finished quickly today. He prepared a good dish. Chef was happy with it too - picture time !
In the kitchen you are always best friends with the dishwashers. This is Abdoel (I haven't got a clue what his real name is!) - nice guy and always in for a laugh.
Tomorrow we have the last real demo/practical. After that only the exam on Wednesday morning. Yes, time flies when you're having fun and I wish I could stay longer. But no..... maybe.... we'll see...
see you all tomorrow,
PS: No results of our written exams yet. Nobody expects to get any of the results before graduation - yes, zis is ze French way of organizing stuff...